Monday, March 27, 2017

Values Education Reflections


Justine Erica Palic

A human will always need this subject. Everyone of us needs a values education to make us a better person. We did a task in this subject which is to show our goal setting in life. We have learned that setting your goal for your future is very useful because it will serve as your guidelines in reaching your dreams. This subject is a great help for us students because we are still molding ourselves to become a better one for our family, friends and society. 

Kathleen Orcullo

Values education teach us to be more discipline interms of everything.It guides us to think of our goals in life that will build our characteristics. It definitely helps us our moral character.

Gellie Toriba

Rocel Ugpo

On Values Education, every Wednesday we have an activity like, we have to take some pictures and put it on the illustration board and design it. Its all about our hopes and dreams in life. Its also encourage us to choose what is the best dreams and hopes we want in life. We have also an activity where in, you are able to say by writing what is your first impression on your classmates. Values is fun, just participate and try to enjoy on it. 

Melcris Domdom 

This subject helped us to become a better person in achieving our goals in life. The subject helped us to set our goals clearly. Everything in it molded our character as a student, a child and as a member of the society.

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